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Leads and Marketing Programs

When you partner with Ogletree Financial, you are not alone. You will have access to various lead and marketing programs.  We can help you grow your business by using our proven programs designed to help you build your brand, generate new prospects and stay in the know.

Advisor Hub IUL and Annuity Leads

The ability to have new leads for IUL and Annuities on a regular basis is essential to running a successful financial practice.  Our Advisor Hub program captures prospects interested in:


  • IUL for tax-free retirement planning
  • WL for infinite banking plans
  • Annuity for retirement planning or CD replacements


Our leads are generated through Google and Bing searches.  Prospects are looking for education and information about these products and concepts and complete a questionnaire to speak with an advisor.  These leads are instantly piped into our Advisor Hub CRM where they will receive a series of emails and texts that encourage them to book an appointment on your calendar

The Advisor Hub CRM is your key to a steady flow of life insurance and annuity business.  All landing pages, funnels and workflows are done for you.    

Business Builder

With the power of Business Builder, managing your business has never been easier. Business Builder uses the power of real-time analytics to put valuable insights into your agency at your fingertips so you can make smarter, data-driven decisions. Plus, you’ll work with a dedicated case manager to assist you, your agents, and your internal staff.


  • View and track agency data
  • Generate a variety of customizable reports
  • Monitor and track business production
  • Examine trends across multiple carriers
  • Gain visibility into carrier contracts
  • View popular products
  • Monitor the status of submitted policies
  • Track pending requirements and automated carrier follow-ups
  • Customizable notifications
  • Uncover how long it takes business to issue
  • E-apps
  • Library of consumer-facing marketing materials
  • Case design and illustrations



With our partnership with AnnuitySpecs, you can effortlessly search and compare hundreds of annuity products. Find the right annuity that meets all of your client’s needs with:

Product specifications in easy-to-understand language for quick assessment

Side-by-side product comparisons for competitive analysis

Advanced search tools with the ability to save your searches for quick access

Real-time product rate comparisons

Differentiating yourself is one of the biggest hurdles in today’s competitive IUL marketplace. Through our strategic partnership, with Brokers International you can access Stonewood Financial’s industry-leading platform to help implement innovative tax savings strategies using Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL) to attract prospects, retain more clients, and differentiate your business.

NIW has been around since 2000 and specialize in estate, business and retirement planning solutions for high net-worth or high income earning professionals.  NIW is a superpower for Premium Financed IUL for use in tax-free retirement plans for your clients making over $100,000 per year.

Quote Engines

Life Sales Tools

Access to our life insurance quote engines to run basic or complex life insurance illustrations, term quotes and presentations