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Life Insurance

By partnering with Ogletree Financial, life insurance agencies and advisors have access to our life insurance tools designed to simplify your life insurance sales process.  Product knowledge and, carrier relationships, leads and marketing tools will help you build your life insurance sales for years to come.

Life Insurance Products Offered

The ability to have new leads for IUL and Annuities on a regular basis is essential to running a successful financial practice.  Our Advisor Hub program captures prospects interested in:


  • IUL for tax-free retirement planning
  • WL for infinite banking plans
  • Annuity for retirement planning or CD replacements


Our leads are generated through Google and Bing searches.  Prospects are looking for education and information about these products and concepts and complete a questionnaire to speak with an advisor.  These leads are instantly piped into our Advisor Hub CRM where they will receive a series of emails and texts that encourage them to book an appointment on your calendar

The Advisor Hub CRM is your key to a steady flow of life insurance and annuity business.  All landing pages, funnels and workflows are done for you.    

Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL)

Indexed universal life insurance sales are stronger than ever.  We have a 5 part IUL sales strategy that will educate your prospect and guide them through the process.  Some of our most popular IUL strategies include the following:


  • Tax-Free Retirement Planning using a max-funded IUL policy
  • Premium financing and Kaizen Plan
  • Split-Dollar plans, key man, executive bonus
  • Single Premium IUL for wealth transfer

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance offers guarantees that no other life insurance product can offer.  Our carrier partners are mutual life insurance companies with strong dividend histories. Our advisors use whole life insurance in the following ways:


  • Infinite Banking – Using whole life as you own personal bank for financing purchases and lifestyles.
  • Wealth Transfer and Estate Planning
  • Business succession planning

Term Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance products range from 5 years to 40 years of coverage.  You will have access to competitive carriers for any situation or health impairment that crosses your path. Use our life insurance quoter to find your best option then apply on the spot with iGO E-apps. You will have access to the best rates and carriers in the industry.

  • Income replacement
  • Mortgage protection
  • Business planning
  • Collateral assignments